Whether it’s id Software’s iconic rendition of Castle Wolfenstein or MachineGames' modern reinvention of the series, the Wolfenstein franchise has long been one of...
To celebrate the upcoming release of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales will be swinging into Fortnite on May 23.Epic Games shared a short...
The Batman: Arkham games sit alongside Insomniac's Spider-Man as the best comic book games ever made. With the Arkham series, Rocksteady Studios blended excellent...
When it comes to accessibility in games, the first aspect people always look for is an options menu. From customizing controls, adjusting subtitle size,...
Most recent World of Warcraft expansions started with a tightly scripted, story-heavy, and somewhat bothersome on-rails scenario. Dragonflight seems to have remembered that this...